Australian Surveyor's Encounter with Mysterious Yahi Creature in Bunya Mountains
Posted Sunday, March 16, 2025
By staff
A new video posted on YouTube by the channel Bigfoot Encounters Narrated has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "8 Bigfoot Encounters from Australia," features firsthand accounts of individuals who claim to have had close encounters with the elusive creature in various parts of Australia.
One particularly intriguing encounter comes from a man who was working as a surveyor in a remote area near the Bu Mountains in Queensland. He describes hearing rustling in the bushes and seeing two points of deep, glowing red light reflecting back from the edge of the bush. As he shone his flashlight in that direction, he saw a huge, dark shape standing at the edge of the bush, covered in thick and matted hair. The creature was tall, around 7 or 8 feet, and moved slowly and silently back into the bush.
Another encounter comes from a geologist who was examining rock formations near the Tlangi State Forest in Victoria. He heard shuffling and grunting sounds, and followed them to a clearing where he saw a creature around 8 feet tall, covered in brownish-gray hair, digging in the dirt. The creature seemed focused on what it was doing and didn't seem to notice the geologist, who was able to observe it for several minutes before it disappeared into the bush.
A third encounter comes from a woman who was hiking in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales. She saw a large, muscular creature covered in fur, with both human and ape-like features, sitting on a branch in a gum tree. The creature stared at her for several moments before adjusting its position and revealing its long arms and massive hands.
These stories, along with others in the video, provide fascinating insights into the possible existence of Bigfoot in Australia. While skeptics may dismiss these accounts as mere myths or hoaxes, the witnesses in the video come across as sincere and credible, leaving many viewers to wonder if there may be some truth to the Bigfoot legend.
I encourage our readers to watch the video and form their own opinions. Whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or just a curious observer, these stories are sure to leave you intrigued and captivated by the mystery of Bigfoot.