A recent video posted on YouTube by Real Eyes Tv has been making waves in the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "800LB POUND GORILLA LIVES HERE IN THE ARKANSAS NATIONAL PARK!!" explores the possibility of the existence of a large, hairy, two-footed creature living in the woods of Arkansas.
The video features Robert Swain, a native of Bonia, who has spent his life researching and searching for Bigfoot. Swain has a database of almost 400 sightings in Arkansas and believes that the creature, with 20-inch feet, arms that reach down to its knees, and a shoulder width of a semi-truck, exists. He also mentions that rock stacks are a sign that Bigfoot has been lurking in the area, possibly as a territorial marker or to look for rodents.
The video also features a North Texas family, the Gibsons, who have been hearing strange sounds coming from the forest for several years. The sounds are so deep and full that they vibrate your insides, and the family believes that they are coming from the "wild man of North Texas." Renowned Bigfoot hunter Tom Biscardi was called in to investigate and found what he believed to be several large footprints and a clearing about a mile away from the Gibson's home.
Biscardi and his team set up perimeter, hung bait, and strapped infrared motion sensor cameras to the surrounding trees. Biscardi believes that the creature is so smart and adapted to the arrival of human population that it has become an expert at avoiding detection and capture. He is so confident in the existence of Bigfoot that he has dedicated his life to finding the creature and his company, Bigfoot projects Investments Incorporated, recently became the first of its kind to clear SEC regulation and go public on the stock market.
The video also features an interview with Kelly Milner Halls, an author who has researched Bigfoot for more than a decade. Halls brings along two resin replicas of footprints that were collected by the late Dr Gro cramps, a physical Anthropologist from WSU. One of the footprints looks perfectly normal, while the other one is not so much, with a deformity that would make it difficult to fake.
As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I am excited to see the continued interest in the search for Bigfoot. The video is informative and provides a unique perspective on the possibility of the existence of the creature. I encourage our readers to watch the video and form their own opinions on the matter. Remember, whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, there are still many mysteries in this world that we don't fully understand.