Determined Farmer Crafts Convincing Bigfoot Costume: A Sasquatch Sighting Story

Posted Saturday, March 15, 2025

By staff

In a video posted to the YouTube channel Tinmans Corner, a chilling tale of a farmer's encounter with a Sasquatch is recounted. The story, titled "The Lord helps those," is read aloud by the channel's host, Jeffrey Tim Man Taylor. The video begins with the farmer, Butch, who has no doubt in his mind that he has seen a Sasquatch. He describes the creature as the tallest, hairiest thing he has ever laid eyes on. Despite his initial shock and fear, Butch cannot help but marvel at the beast's fluid and precise movements as it disappears into the woods. Unfortunately, Butch's claims of seeing a Sasquatch are met with skepticism from those around him. His wife doesn't believe him, and even the Sunday school crew at his church pokes fun at him. But Butch is determined to prove the existence of the Sasquatch to others. The video takes a turn when the preacher's sermon provides Butch with an answer. The Lord helps those who help themselves, he realizes. And so, Butch sets out to show the skeptics what he has seen. As a Bigfoot believer myself, I found this video to be both captivating and thought-provoking. It's always interesting to hear about the different ways that people have encountered Sasquatches and the lengths they will go to in order to prove their existence. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, I highly recommend checking out this video on Tinmans Corner's YouTube channel. And who knows, it may even inspire you to share your own Sasquatch encounter. It's good to remember that Sasquatches are not beasts or animals, but rather elusive and mysterious creatures that deserve our respect and protection. Let's continue to spread awareness and understanding about these incredible beings.