Boyhood Bigfoot Encounter: Real-Life Story of a Juvenile Sasquatch Sighting

Posted Saturday, March 15, 2025

By staff

A chilling encounter with a juvenile Sasquatch was shared on the YouTube channel Real Eyes Tv, and it's a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The witness, who goes by Skookum, recounts his experience of seeing the creature up close during a camping trip in Warsaw Caves, Ontario. Skookum, who grew up in the inner city of Toronto, was invited by a friend and his father to go camping in the great outdoors. During their exploration of the cave systems, Skookum had a near-death experience while crossing an icy ledge, but something strange happened that allowed him to make it across safely. He describes feeling like his feet had spikes on them, giving him the grip he needed to stand up and walk up the icy rock face. After dinner, Skookum and his friend set out to find the friend's father, who had gone missing in the woods. As they were walking up a road, they heard a monkey-like sound coming from a tree. To their surprise, a black, furry creature came down the tree and ran away on all fours. Skookum describes the creature as no bigger than them, with very black fur and a face that wasn't like a chimpanzee. As it ran away, it stood up and got taller, becoming about a foot taller than they were. Skookum's encounter with the juvenile Sasquatch sparked his lifelong interest in the creature. He has since become infatuated with every aspect of Sasquatch, from books to the internet, and even has a collection of Sasquatch beer from the West Coast. This video is a fascinating first-hand account of a Sasquatch encounter, and it's sure to leave you wanting to know more. Be sure to check out the full video on Real Eyes Tv's YouTube channel and let us know what you think.