Kentucky Bigfoot Researcher Charlie Raymond Unveils Two New Witness Reports, Including One from Fort Knox Sergeant
Posted Friday, March 14, 2025
By staff
If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're in for a treat! A recent video from the YouTube channel Blondes and Boos Paranormal Podcast features an interview with Charlie Raymond, the founder of the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization. In this engaging conversation, Charlie shares his journey into the world of Bigfoot research, and discusses some of the most compelling evidence and witness accounts he's encountered.
Charlie Raymond, a native of South Florida, grew up hearing bedtime stories about the "skunk ape" or "big hairy monster" that lived in the Everglades, thanks to his prankster father. Although skeptical at first, Charlie's interest in Bigfoot was rekindled when he moved to Kentucky and noticed the potential for Sasquatch activity in the area. He created a website to document local sightings and soon began receiving emails and phone calls from witnesses eager to share their experiences.
As social media and technology advanced, so did the accessibility and acceptance of Bigfoot research. With the rise of YouTube, podcasts, and other platforms, more credible scientists and witnesses have come forward to share their evidence and insights. Charlie notes that the wealth of video, DNA samples, vocalizations, and witness testimonies has made it easier than ever to share and validate Bigfoot sightings.
During the interview, Charlie also touches on the importance of folklore and the role it plays in Bigfoot research. By examining the stories and beliefs of various indigenous tribes, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of Sasquatch and its possible origins.
Charlie's passion for Bigfoot research is evident throughout the interview, and his extensive knowledge of the subject makes this video a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. Make sure to check out the Blondes and Boos Paranormal Podcast's YouTube channel to watch the full interview and discover more about the world of the paranormal.