UFO Encounter in Fort Carson: Witness Describes Massive Craft and Military Involvement
Posted Wednesday, March 12, 2025
By Squatchable.com staff
A fascinating account of a UFO sighting near Fort Carson has recently surfaced on YouTube, and I couldn't help but share it with our community. The witness, Rome, appeared on the YouTube channel Myths, Monsters, and Mullets to share his story of a UFO encounter in the same area where he had previously seen Bigfoot.
Rome's UFO sighting occurred in 1995, while he was waiting for a friend to finish painting his brother's 65 El Camino. As he was looking out of the window of the shop, he noticed some lights in the sky. At first, he thought it was just a light, but as he focused in, he realized it was a craft with a light going around its midsection.
The craft was in the shape of two rectangles, one laying flat and the other upright, with six or eight panels on each rectangle. Rome described the panels as shiny like glass, with a light in the interior that wasn't too bright. He could see the night sky reflecting off of the panels, and it looked like hinted windows with backlighting behind the glass.
Rome called everyone outside to witness the incredible sight, and they all stood there, astonished by the massive craft. It didn't belong there, and it didn't have any aerodynamics that they could identify. They watched it hover for at least 25 minutes, and it didn't seem to be moving.
Suddenly, they saw headlights coming over a ridge, which Rome identified as ground troops on the Fort Carson property. Two helicopters then came in from the north, moving extremely hot, and both got up to the vicinity of the craft, which was probably a half mile away. One of the helicopters stayed stationary while the second one did a loop around the craft, and then they met up together and backed away.
Three missiles then came from the ground, hitting the craft in the belly. After each missile strike, the glass panels would shake, and after the third hit, the craft started drifting toward the ground. Rome didn't see it come in contact with the ground, but he assumed it landed in the valley where it came down.
The witness and the others who saw the UFO were left dumbfounded, wondering why and how the military could do such a thing. It's an intriguing story that leaves us all wondering what really happened that day.
If you're interested in learning more about Rome's UFO sighting, be sure to check out the video on Myths, Monsters, and Mullets. It's an incredible account that's definitely worth watching.