New Bigfoot Sightings: Ohio to Alaska, Unidentified Creatures Emerge

Posted Sunday, March 09, 2025

By staff

Bigfoot sightings have been capturing the attention of people all over the world, and there's no shortage of footage circulating on the internet. Today, I'm excited to share with you some of the most recent and intriguing Bigfoot sightings that have been caught on camera. First up, we have a video from Todd Standing, a well-known figure in the Bigfoot community. Todd is known for capturing some famous alleged pieces of Sasquatch footage, and this particular video is no exception. According to Todd, this was his first close-up sighting with one of the creatures, and it was massive, estimated to be over 8 feet tall. The footage was even featured on an episode of Finding Bigfoot, where they tried to recreate the footage to determine the creature's size. While they couldn't definitively say whether the video was genuine or a hoax, it's still an exciting piece of footage to check out. Next, we have a video from De's Dark Adventures on YouTube. While on a hike in Ohio, De had a terrifying encounter with something lurking in the trees. At first, she saw a pair of eyes glaring at her from the shadows, and as she made her way out of the forest, whatever was watching her followed her. The creature eventually emerged from the trees, and De couldn't tell what she was looking at - a human or an animal of some kind. The video is genuinely terrifying, and it's easy to see why De was so frightened. Another impressive piece of footage comes from Timber Giant Bigfoot on YouTube. This video, sometimes referred to as the "big red footage," was taken in Southern Ontario, Canada. The video shows a large, hairy creature crouching in the bush before standing up and slamming logs and branches around. The creature looks massive and intimidating, and it's easy to see why this video has become so well-known in the Bigfoot community. There's also a fascinating piece of footage from crypto zoologist Paul Freeman. The video, taken in the Blue Mountains of Northeast Oregon in 1994, is often referred to as one of the best pieces of Sasquatch video evidence. Paul Freeman was known for his plaster casts of supposed Bigfoot tracks, which were studied extensively and considered highly credible pieces of possible evidence. The video itself is intriguing, and it's easy to see why it's considered one of the best pieces of Sasquatch video evidence. Lastly, we have a video from a woman named Stephanie Wood, who posted a blurry image of what she claims could be a baby Sasquatch (or "Eros Squatch") to the Bigfoot Believers Facebook group. While some commenters are convinced by the photo, others are skeptical. Stephanie wrote that after a closer inspection, she's just not sure what she's looking at. The photo is certainly intriguing, and it's worth checking out for yourself. Overall, these are just a few of the most recent and intriguing Bigfoot sightings that have been caught on camera. Whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or just a casual enthusiast, these videos are sure to capture your attention and leave you wondering what's really out there. Be sure to check out the videos for yourself and let us know what you think!