"The Sniffer" by Mountain Girl Sasquatch

Posted Monday, October 26, 2020

By Squatchable.com staff

Standing Goats Rescue: This video is an audio file that was recorded by Mountain Girl Sasquatch and sent to me to share with all of you. The first 13 minutes of video was filmed in northwest Florida by Standing Goats Rescue, the remaining footage was filmed in the Catskill Mountains by Mountain Girl Sasquatch. The video is only used as a background so that the audio files could be uploaded. YouTube isn't set up for uploading audio files, so the audio must be added to a video in order to upload it successfully. Put on your headphones, sit back, and listen to what she has captured on her audio recorder. She placed the recorder on a log and left it overnight, very close to her home. These sounds you're going to hear were captured late at night, the first thing that came to my mind was "a chimpanzee?"... I've got several more hours of audio to comb through, so I'll have more to share soon. I think that you are going to be scratching your head on this one! Mountain Girl Sasquatch is in the beginning stages of setting up her YouTube channel..... I will be supporting her channel once it is running. I plan to post a video at that time, to introduce my sister in Christ to you all. I will let you know when she gets her channel going so that you can go over and check her out. She's a true Christ filled lady who we love dearly! If you would like to support Standing Goats Rescue or contribute anything to help us with the goats, please use one of the links below or email me and we can work out a plan. Thank you for being such an amazing part of our family! God bless you all! Sincerely in Christ, Donnie