Hunter Rick's Urgent Plea: Unveil the Bigfoot Cover-Up or Face Disappearance

Posted Friday, March 07, 2025

By staff

In a recent video posted by 10 Foyle Hat Productions, Rick, a seasoned hunter and outdoorsman, shares his harrowing experiences in the Caï National Forest. According to Rick, he encountered a creature that defied the laws of nature, a creature that might not just be lurking in our woods but could be the result of something far more sinister. Rick's story is chilling, and it only gets more intense in part 2 of the series. In this video, titled "Stalked by the Feds," Rick reveals that since coming forward with his story, he's been under surveillance by what he believes to be the government. He's noticed black SUVs with tinted windows parked outside his house, his gun safe has fresh smudges as if someone tried to break in, and he's received mysterious phone calls with heavy breathing and a low, flat voice saying the word "stop." Rick is understandably shaken and scared for his life. He believes that the government created the creature he encountered and is now trying to silence him and others who have seen it. He's not the only one who has experienced this kind of treatment; others who have come forward with their own stories have either disappeared or stopped talking. I encourage our readers to watch the video and draw their own conclusions. It's good to remember that none of the content in the video belongs to us, but we believe in sharing and discussing all things related to Bigfoot. Rick's story is a reminder that there is still so much we don't know about the world we live in. It's also a reminder of the importance of standing up for what we believe in, even in the face of danger. If you have seen something or know something, don't stay silent. Reach out and share your stories. The more people who speak up, the harder it is for them to silence us all. I am excited to see more people coming forward with their stories and shedding light on the mysteries that surround this elusive creature. I am also deeply concerned for Rick's safety and hope that he stays safe and continues to share his experiences with us. If you haven't already, be sure to check out part 1 of this series and stay tuned for part 3. And as always, keep an open mind and keep an eye out for Sasquatch.