Ontario's 1970s Bigfoot Encounters: Four Eyewitness Accounts

Posted Friday, March 07, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has recently caught my attention and I couldn't wait to share it with all of you fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, posted on the YouTube channel Bigfoot Ebooks 1980s, features a series of cryptid reports from the 1970s in New York, focusing on Sasquatch and Dogman sightings. The first story takes us back to August 5, 1970, near Cobalt, Ontario. A bus driver named Amy was driving a group of miners to their late-night shift when something massive appeared on the road. At first, she thought it was a bear, but as the creature turned, she saw its long, shaggy hair catching the light in uneven clumps. Its shoulders were broad, and its arms hung low, nearly reaching its knees. The miners on the bus also caught a glimpse of the creature before it vanished into the woods. Next, we hear a personal account from a witness who, as a child, saw a hulking figure outside his bedroom window in Fort Francis, Ontario, during the summer of 1975. The figure was too tall and broad-shouldered to be a bear, and it stood motionless, watching the witness. When the witness moved, the figure mirrored him, causing a primal terror to grip him. The witness's parents went outside to investigate but didn't see anything. However, they discovered that their two rabbits, whom they kept in a cage outside, had disappeared. The video also features a sighting from Street Catherine, Ontario, in the summer of 1978. A driver named Lee and his friend, Juro, were driving down a deserted, tree-lined road when they saw a tall figure standing in the middle of the road. At first, Lee assumed it was a man, but as they got closer, they realized it wasn't human. The creature had thick, leathery skin and a face that looked like an alligator's, standing on two feet. Lee tried to hit the creature with a baseball bat, but it didn't even flinch. Instead, it swiped at Lee with unnatural speed, causing him to bolt back to the car in fear. Lastly, the video shares a sighting from August 19, 1978, in Grimsby, Ontario. A couple was driving down a rural road when something bolted across the road in front of their car. The creature was massive, covered in dark, shaggy fur, and had long, powerful limbs. It moved with a fluid purpose unlike any animal they had ever seen. The creature even turned its head and locked eyes with them for a brief moment before disappearing into the forest. These stories are a fascinating glimpse into the world of Sasquatch sightings and the mysterious creatures that inhabit our forests. I highly recommend checking out the full video on Bigfoot Ebooks 1980s YouTube channel and sharing your thoughts with us. Happy Squatching!