Northville Resident's Son Witnesses Bigfoot on Fox Hill
Posted Friday, March 07, 2025
By staff
A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel Adirondack Bigfoot. The channel, run by Johnny from M Bigfoot, recently featured a guest named Dave who recounted his experience with the elusive creature.
Dave, who was born in England and later moved to the United States, shared his story of growing up in Gloversville, New York, and his eventual return to the area as an adult. It wasn't until he came across some old magazines at a local shop that he became interested in the possibility of Sasquatch living in the Adirondacks.
But the real excitement came when Dave's son revealed that he had a close encounter with a Sasquatch while hunting. Dave's son was sent to a higher elevation to scare deer towards the hunters when he saw a pair of large black legs parallel to him. When he realized that it wasn't one of the other hunters, he searched the area and noticed that the grass was flattened, as if something had gone through there.
Dave's son didn't often talk about the encounter, but when he finally shared it with his father, Dave became even more interested in the possibility of Sasquatch living in the area. The encounter took place on Fox Hill, which is on the other side of the lake and goes up to the lake desolation and Saratoga.
I am always excited to hear new accounts of possible Sasquatch sightings. Dave's story is particularly intriguing because it comes from his own son, adding an extra layer of credibility to the encounter. It's always exciting to hear about new potential evidence of the existence of Sasquatch, and I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the video on Adirondack Bigfoot's YouTube channel.