Bigfoot Cutout Ignites Coexistence: A Personal Encounter

Posted Thursday, March 06, 2025

By staff

A fascinating account of a couple's experiences with Bigfoot has recently emerged on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Society. The channel's host, Neil, shares the story of a couple who discovered that they were not alone on their North Georgia property. The couple, avid outdoors enthusiasts, had purchased the land with the intention of retiring there. The property had two springs, a dried-up pond, and was home to various animals that the husband had grown up with. However, he began noticing things that didn't make sense, such as heavy objects being smashed on a trail, which didn't match any of the animals in the area. One Christmas, the kids gave the husband a cutout of Bigfoot painted black, which he placed in the backyard. Two weeks later, something whistled loudly in the backyard several times, causing the wife to summon her husband outside. They couldn't identify the source of the sound, as it didn't match any animal in the area. Two weeks after that, the house shook as if it had been hit by something heavy. The couple found that a brick had been hit so hard that it cracked the window all the way to the roof. They couldn't find the source of the impact, as the grass was flattened down, and they couldn't identify any animal that could have caused such damage. The husband made some phone calls to experts he knew, and after speaking to one, he was told that they had a Bigfoot on their property, trying to coexist with them. The Bigfoot had been watching the couple for several years, and the husband believes that putting out the Bigfoot cutout signaled to the creature that they knew it was there. The couple then set up a gifting station, where they put out food and other gifts to learn more about the Bigfoot. They had several interactions with the creature, including one where it drank the last of a small Diet Coke bottle, screwed the lid back on, and left it on the ground. The husband's