Missouri Brothers' Encounter with a Flying Humanoid: A Chilling Tale of Survival
Posted Thursday, March 06, 2025
By Squatchable.com staff
In a chilling video posted on the YouTube channel Bingeworthy Documentaries, witnesses share their harrowing encounters with mysterious flying humanoids. The video, titled "Legends & Monsters! The Truth Behind Flying Humanoid, Batsquatch & Jersey Devil!", features accounts of these terrifying creatures that seem to defy explanation.
One particularly harrowing story comes from Don Overton, who recounts a terrifying experience he and his brother had in the dark woods of Turkey Creek, Missouri. According to Don, he and his brother were driving through the woods when their vehicle was suddenly lifted off the ground by some unseen force. The brothers could feel the power and strength of whatever was attacking them, and they were lucky to escape with their lives.
Despite the close call, Don still hoped to find answers about the attack. Twelve years later, he returned to Turkey Creek with his close friend Brian Lyle and Brian's teenage son Derek. The trio heard strange noises and found a mysterious drag mark in the dirt, leading them to believe that they were dealing with something otherworldly.
The video also touches on other mysterious creatures, such as the Batsquatch and the Jersey Devil. Witnesses describe these creatures as being much larger than anything recognized by science, with glowing red eyes and great wingspans.
I am always intrigued by accounts of mysterious creatures and the unexplained. This video is no exception, and I highly recommend checking it out for yourself. Who knows, you may have your own encounter with a flying humanoid or other mysterious creature.