Kentucky Man's Encounters: Mysterious Screams and Growls in Wang National Forest

Posted Saturday, March 01, 2025

By staff

A thrilling encounter with the unknown was recently shared on the YouTube channel Creek Devil, and as a Squatchable curator, I couldn't wait to delve into the details. The video, titled "What Happens When You Encounter BIGFOOT in the Wild?" features an interview with Matthew, a man from Kentucky who has had not one, but two extraordinary experiences with the elusive creature. Matthew's first encounter took place in 2003 at Lake Vvus in Wang National Forest during a regional drum circle event. While standing by the creek with his friends, they heard a series of otherworldly sounds. The first was a low-frequency bass noise, followed by a high-pitched scream that Matthew described as "the loudest I've ever heard." The scream lasted for about 15 seconds and was so powerful that it felt like it was emanating from a creature with incredible lung capacity. What makes Matthew's story even more fascinating is that he and his friends heard the same scream three times that night, each time from a different location. The first scream seemed to come from a 30-60 degree angle to their left, while the second was from a similar angle to their right. Matthew's description of the sounds and the triangular pattern they heard them in is reminiscent of the infamous "Ohio Howls" reported in 1972. Matthew's second encounter occurred later that same year when he and his girlfriend went camping near paddle Creek. As they were walking back to their car, they heard an 8-10 foot growl in the weeds just a few feet away from them. Matthew's girlfriend asked if he had heard it, and although he was hoping she hadn't, he couldn't deny the guttural sound that had startled them both. Matthew's experiences are a captivating reminder of the mysterious and unexplained world that exists beyond our everyday lives. As a Squatchable curator, I am always on the lookout for intriguing stories like these, and Matthew's encounters certainly do not disappoint. I highly recommend checking out the full video on Creek Devil's YouTube channel to hear the interview and Matthew's account of his encounters in his own words. I am always excited to learn about new sightings and experiences, and Matthew's story is no exception. His encounters are a testament to the enduring allure of the unknown and the ongoing search for the elusive Sasquatch. So, if you're looking for a thrilling tale of the unexplained, be sure to check out Creek Devil's video and let us know what you think!