Northern California Hiker's Close Encounter with a Walnut-Hued Sasquatch
Posted Saturday, March 01, 2025
By staff
A firsthand account of a Sasquatch encounter in the Redwood forests of Northern California has been shared on the YouTube channel Buckeye Bigfoot. The witness, Tim Hartwell, describes his experience of coming across a tall, hairy, humanlike figure while on a solo camping trip.
Hartwell, a long-time explorer of the Northern California wilderness, had set up camp in his favorite spot off the trail. However, he was annoyed to find evidence of a recent fire, which he believes was left by another camper. As he sat enjoying the peace and beauty of his surroundings, he heard rustling and a loud crack, like a tree limb being pulled and snapped.
It was then that Hartwell saw the Sasquatch, dragging several large branches between the trees. From the side, he could make out its big, coconut-shaped head, long arms, and thick legs. Hartwell notes that the Sasquatch's legs had a different proportion than a human's, with the knee joint almost dead center in the length of the leg.
The Sasquatch was about 70-80 feet away from Hartwell, who held his breath and remained still, not wanting to draw attention to himself. After a few moments, the Sasquatch was gone, and Hartwell felt a case of the "heebie jeebies" and the hair standing up on the back of his neck.
Despite his initial shock, Hartwell decided to stay in the forest for the night, relocating to another spot he favored. He encourages others to be cautious and respectful of the forest and its possible inhabitants, stating, "if you are ever out and you find an old trail that looks like it's been rarely used or maybe hasn't been used in years, don't take it. There's a reason no one uses that trail."
This encounter is a fascinating account of a Sasquatch sighting, and we encourage our readers to watch the full video on Buckeye Bigfoot's YouTube channel.