Witnesses Encounter 10-12 Foot Tall, Five-Toed Bigfoot at Rattlesnake Ridge

Posted Saturday, March 01, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A harrowing encounter with a Sasquatch like no other has been reported on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Encounters Narrated. The witness, Shannon Morgan, and her friend Jesse, had a close encounter with a Sasquatch while hiking at Rattlesnake Ridge in July 1998. Shannon and Jesse were collecting rocks for Jesse's geology class at Seattle University when they decided to follow a stream upward, which led them to an animal trail. As they ascended, they heard a loud slurping sound and a sigh, which turned out to be a Sasquatch drinking from the creek. The creature had a pair of huge feet with five toes, and it was covered in dark brown hair. Shannon described the Sasquatch as having a huge midsection, with the soles of its feet being the only part that wasn't covered in hair. The creature's face was not like an ape, but rather, it had a neanderthal-like appearance with thick eyebrows and a deep jawline. Its muscles were bulging, and it was much taller than Shannon, who is 6'2". The Sasquatch noticed Shannon and Jesse and stood up in a defensive posture, making a loud barking sound. Both Shannon and Jesse were frozen in fear, and they could smell the creature's horrible odor. After a few minutes, they slowly backed away, and the Sasquatch let out a soft and deep bellowing sound as they left. Shannon's description of the Sasquatch is fascinating, and it's clear that she and Jesse had a life-changing encounter. The Sasquatch's appearance, behavior, and sounds all match what other witnesses have reported. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, this video is a must-watch. Shannon's story is captivating, and it provides valuable insight into the world of Sasquatch. The video is a testament to the fact that Sasquatch is real and that it's out there, waiting to be discovered. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. We're always eager to hear from fellow Bigfoot believers, and we welcome all opinions and ideas. Excitement Level: 7 Remember, Bigfoot is real, and it's out there. Keep your eyes open, and you never know what you might see.