Seasoned Bigfoot Researcher's 30-Year Journey and Startling Findings
Posted Sunday, February 23, 2025
By staff
A few days ago, I stumbled upon an interesting video on YouTube featuring Jim Lansdale, a seasoned Bigfoot researcher and tracker who heads up the Gulf Coast Bigfoot research organization. In the video, Jim shares his personal experiences and insights into the world of Bigfoot research, having been involved in the field for about 30 years.
Jim's interest in Bigfoot began when he and his son had a strange encounter while deer hunting. They saw something squatting beside a feeder, shaking it with its hands. When the creature noticed their presence, it turned and looked at them with two huge red eyes before running off on all fours into a Hawthorn Thicket. This encounter sparked Jim's curiosity, and he has been researching Bigfoot ever since.
Throughout his 30 years of research, Jim has had sightings in several states, including Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Colorado, Washington State, and even as far as Utah. He has never seen a Bigfoot with long hair and has only encountered black or dark brown creatures, usually with a height of around 7 to 9 feet. However, he does have a picture of what he believes to be an 11-foot-tall female Bigfoot taken in Gana.
One of Jim's most intriguing stories involves a game camera he set up to track Bigfoot activity. After three months of tracking, he managed to capture a picture of nine creatures in a single shot. What's even more fascinating is that one of the creatures had apparently gotten into some poison that Miss Francis had put up, and Jim found handfuls of hair, puke, and scat nearby. He also found a small pig's foot in the scat, confirming that Bigfoots do indeed eat pigs.
Jim's vast knowledge and personal experiences make for a captivating video that any Bigfoot enthusiast would enjoy. I highly recommend checking it out and hearing firsthand accounts of his encounters and investigations. Who knows, you might just learn something new about our mysterious woodland friends!