Exploring New Bigfoot Signs: Gifts Left, Deer Spotted

Posted Saturday, February 22, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has been making the rounds on YouTube, posted by the channel Sasquatch and Paranormal in Wineberry Holler. In the video, the channel's owner takes us on a tour of their "gifting area," a spot where they leave offerings for any nearby Sasquatches. As they explore the area, they point out signs of wildlife, including deer tracks and a possible sleeping area. They also note the absence of eggshells from the eggs they had left out as a gift, which they find strange. Throughout the video, the channel's owner shares their thoughts on the importance of respectful interaction with Sasquatches. They caution against trying to get too close or interfere with their way of life, and instead advocate for leaving gifts as a way of acknowledging their presence and showing goodwill. As a Bigfoot believer and researcher, I always find it fascinating to see how different people approach the idea of interacting with these elusive creatures. While some may be skeptical of the idea of leaving gifts for Sasquatches, there is a long history of this practice in many indigenous cultures. It's also worth noting that the channel's owner mentions the potential dangers of getting too close to Sasquatches. While many encounters with these creatures are peaceful and even beneficial, there have been reports of negative interactions as well. It's good to always approach any potential encounters with caution and respect. Overall, I found this video to be a thought-provoking look at one person's approach to interacting with Sasquatches. Whether or not you believe in their existence, it's always interesting to see how different people interpret and engage with the idea of these elusive creatures. If you're interested in checking out the video for yourself, you can find it on the Sasquatch and Paranormal in Wineberry Holler YouTube channel.