Witnessed in Colorado: Teen's Encounter with Juvenile Bigfoot at Red Rocks
Posted Friday, February 21, 2025
By Squatchable.com staff
A new video has surfaced on YouTube that is sure to excite fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, posted by the channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch, features two intriguing sighting reports in Colorado.
Colorado is known for being a hotspot for Sasquatch sightings, and the video's first report is no exception. In the summer of 1977, a high school graduate named Dan and his date Kay had a close encounter with what they believed to be a bear in Red Rocks Park. However, as they shone their car lights on the creature, they realized it was something much more elusive. Dan, a world-class runner, was astounded by the creature's ability to run up a steep hill at an unbelievable pace. Both Dan and Kay were left stunned and shaken by the experience.
Years later, Dan and Kay reconnected on Facebook and discovered that their memories of the encounter had not faded. Dan believes that what they saw was a juvenile Bigfoot, and the video features an image of a purported Bigfoot captured on video in Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado. Although the YouTube channel that posted the video has since been taken down, the image is a fascinating glimpse into the world of Sasquatch.
The video's second report comes from a witness who saw a Bigfoot in the same area years later. The witness describes the creature as being the size of a sub-adult or older juvenile, similar to Dan's description of the creature he and Kay encountered.
I am always excited to see new sighting reports and footage. This video is no exception, and I encourage all fellow enthusiasts to check it out for themselves. Who knows, it may even inspire you to go out and do some Sasquatch searching of your own!