A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Bigfoot Ebooks 1980s has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. The video, titled "Bigfoot Documentary | New Bigfoot Documentary 2025 | Terrifying Bigfoot Stories Chapter 5," shares chilling accounts of encounters with the mysterious creature.
One of the stories takes place in Charlton County, Georgia in the summer of 1972. A 14-year-old camper was strolling along a quiet stream when he heard the distinct sound of footsteps crunching through the underbrush behind him. Thinking it was one of his siblings playing a prank, he turned around to scare them, only to come face-to-face with a hunched, apelike figure covered in dark, tangled hair. The creature let out a guttural, nightmarish screech, causing the boy to panic and scream for his parents.
Another encounter occurred in 1974 in the same county, where a group of friends heard an unearthly scream and heavy pounding footsteps while building a fort in a remote, swampy area. The friends believed the creature they encountered was a female possibly moving with its young, as they later discovered small footprints following their own.
The video also features an expedition and footprint discoveries, as well as strange two-tone calls heard in the woods. One particularly unsettling discovery was an enormous featureless footprint lacking any clear toe impressions, with its opposite found a few feet away across a creek.
I encourage readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on these fascinating encounters. While I am unable to verify the authenticity of these stories, they certainly add to the intrigue and mystery surrounding Bigfoot. The video serves as a reminder of the unknown that still lurks in the shadows of our wilderness.