Two Sightings of Large, Graceful Bigfoots in Cascade Mountains and Fort Lewis

Posted Thursday, February 20, 2025

By staff

A new video has recently been brought to my attention, and I just had to share it with all of you fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "Bigfoot Documentary | New Bigfoot Documentary 2025 | Terrifying Bigfoot Stories Chapter 4," was posted on the YouTube channel Bigfoot Ebooks 1980s. The video features a firsthand account from a man named Jason Baitman, who claims to have encountered Bigfoot in the Cascade mountain range back in 1976. While hiking with a friend, they came across a massive, mysterious creature standing over 8 feet tall, covered in thick brown hair. The creature moved with a deliberate, almost human-like grace, and when it turned to look at them, Jason and his friend were struck by the deep-set, intelligent eyes that seemed to convey a sense of peace and understanding. Jason goes on to describe another encounter he had when he was just 12 years old, this time with a smaller, more mysterious creature that he and his cousin stumbled upon while dirt biking in the forests of Eugene, Oregon. The creature was about 4 feet tall, covered in shaggy, matted hair, and had large, round eyes that seemed to express shock and curiosity. The video also features an interview with a woman who claims to have heard strange, two-tone calls echoing through the trees while on a walk with her friend. The calls seemed to roll across the water, and both women were struck by the haunting, otherworldly quality of the sound. I found this video to be both fascinating and intriguing. The firsthand accounts and descriptions of the creatures are vivid and compelling, and the sense of mystery and wonder that surrounds them is palpable. I highly recommend checking out this video for yourself and seeing what you think. Who knows, you might just become a believer too!