Bigfoot Sightings in Southern US and Britain: New Evidence?

Posted Tuesday, February 18, 2025

By staff

A new video has surfaced on YouTube that delves into the mysteries surrounding the Sasquatch legend in the southern United States. The video, titled "Uncovering the Secrets of the Sasquatch Legend | Full Documentary | Bigfoot Experience," features interviews with individuals who claim to have had encounters with the elusive creature. Don McDonald, a bigfoot hunter, shares his experiences and the reasons behind his pursuit of the creature. He explains that he hunts to protect people, as many have reported the deaths of pets, farm animals, and even people in the areas where the creature is said to roam. McDonald grew up in the Pacific Northwest and was fascinated by the stories of Bigfoot from a young age. He recounts a particularly memorable encounter where he saw a creature with extremely large hands, much larger than his own. Another individual, T Lancaster, shares his encounter with a creature while in the woods with his sons. His sons reported seeing a creature and one even attempted to move closer to it. Lancaster himself experienced a strange feeling while in the woods, which he describes as a breakdown or a strange feeling that he had never experienced before. The video also features an interview with a woman who saw a large black figure as a child. She describes the figure as being extremely tall and broad, with pure black fur. The woman's dog was with her at the time and was acting strangely, adding to the eerie encounter. I encourage our readers to watch the video and form their own opinions on the validity of these encounters. It's always exciting to hear new accounts of Sasquatch sightings and encounters. The