Bigfoot Encounter in Washington: New Sightings in Utah?
Posted Tuesday, February 18, 2025
By staff
Bigfoot sightings have been on the rise in Northern Utah, particularly in the Cash Valley area. According to John Marshall, author of "Cash Valley Bigfoot" and founder of the Facebook group by the same name, there has been a surge in reports of Bigfoot encounters this fall. Many of these witnesses have described strikingly similar experiences, with the elusive Sasquatch throwing rocks or other objects at them.
Marshall's Facebook group has provided a space for those who have encountered this mysterious creature to share their stories and feel less alone. "90% of the people who have joined my page in the last two months have seen something," Marshall said. "They've either had a direct experience or heard firsthand from someone who has."
Utah State University wildlife specialist Nikki Fry has been intrigued by the uptick in reported sightings. However, she believes there may be a more conventional explanation. "Bears are surprisingly humanlike, especially when you factor in a human imagination already primed by fear and suspicion that Bigfoot might be out there," Fry said. "I suspect there may be a bear den in one of these Bigfoot hot spots."
Despite this, Fry is not completely dismissing the possibility of something unusual happening. "Maybe they are seeing something unique," she admitted. "Animals are adapting to humans in new and unexpected ways all the time."
One particularly intriguing story comes from a young woman who claimed to have been abducted and assaulted by a large, hairy man. When she became pregnant, the tribe sent her away to another reservation in New Mexico. There, she gave birth to a boy who was not like other children. He was frail yet muscular and had an unusual appearance. Tragically, the boy passed away at the age of 13 or 14.
Intrigued by the story, the author searched online and found references to this case along with additional details. According to some indigenous communities, there is a legend of a messenger, a being that appears in times of great imbalance to serve as a warning from the Creator. This messenger is sometimes said to take the form of a towering, hairy man.
Regardless of what people are encountering, Fry appreciates that they're documenting new behaviors. "The scientist in me wants footprints, scat, and hair samples," she said. "Or at the very least, a photo."
If you're interested in learning more about these mysterious encounters, be sure to check out the video on Sasquatch Odyssey - The Bigfoot Chronicles YouTube channel. And if you've had a Bigfoot encounter of your own, consider sharing your story in the comments section.