Alabama's Top 5 Bigfoot Sightings: Witness Accounts and Habitat Exploration

Posted Saturday, February 15, 2025

By staff

Alabama is a state with no shortage of Bigfoot sightings, and the YouTube channel Campfire Creepers has compiled a list of the top five encounters in the state. From the dense forests and rolling hills to the winding rivers and secluded trails, Alabama's diverse landscapes provide the perfect setting for legends and unexplained encounters. Coming in at number five is the Talladega National Forest sighting in central Alabama. In November 2019, two campers reported hearing strange guttural sounds before spotting a large hairy figure near their campsite. The crisp fall air and dense fog that rolled through the forest that night added an eerie ambiance to their unforgettable encounter. At number four is the Konaku creature sighting in South Alabama. In June 2021, three friends camping at the Open Pond Recreation Area in Kuku National Forest reported seeing a tall shadowy figure near the water's edge. The humid still air and quiet isolation of the forest amplified the unease they felt as the creature briefly stared at them before disappearing into the dense woods. The Sipy Wilderness encounter in Northwest Alabama takes the number three spot. In March 2020, a solo hiker reported seeing a large hairy figure crouching near a stream in the rugged terrain of the Sipy Wilderness. The ethereal quality of the forest, with its waterfalls and morning chill, made the unexpected sighting even more surreal. Coming in at number two is the Mobile County mystery in Southwest Alabama. In August 2022, four friends fishing along the shore of Big Creek Lake reported hearing strange knocks and growls before witnessing a massive figure with glowing eyes standing at the tree line. The humid summer night and the isolation of the lake heightened their sense of fear, making their encounter one they will never forget. And the number one spot goes to the Flomaton Forest fright in South Alabama. In October 2023, a group of five campers experienced an encounter that left them shaken. While gathered around their campfire, they noticed large footprints nearby leading deeper into the woods. As they investigated, a towering shaggy figure emerged from the darkness, standing silently for what felt like an eternity before retreating. One witness, Kevin P, later said, "The rain made everything so quiet and then we heard it breathing. It wasn't an animal I could recognize. I'll never forget the way it stared at us like it was trying to figure us out as much as we were trying to figure it out." These compelling Bigfoot sightings add a chilling chapter to Alabama's folklore and remind us that some mysteries remain hidden in the shadows of the forest. Be sure to check out the Campfire Creepers video for more details on these encounters. And if you've had an unusual encounter in the woods that you can't explain, leave a comment on the video. We would love to hear from you.