Bigfoot Sighting in Southern Sierra: Mysterious Scat Analyzed

Posted Saturday, February 15, 2025

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Creek Devil has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. In the video, a man named Kevin shares his encounter with what he believes to be a Sasquatch in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Kevin and his wife went camping in the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, specifically in an area above Kennedy Meadows on the eastern side. They set up camp near the South Fork of the Kern River, which flows through a large meadow. On the second night of their trip, they heard what they thought were coyotes, but the howls sounded different than what they were used to hearing in their suburban area. Later that night, Kevin heard what sounded like big breaths in and out through a nose, like a dog sniffing something. He couldn't be sure if he heard movement outside the tent because his wife was snoring, but he laid there trying to figure out what it was. He didn't think it was a Sasquatch at first, but the thought crossed his mind later. The next morning, Kevin's wife noticed some poop near their campsite that wasn't there the day before. It was in two circles, one lighter in color with pieces of sausage, and the other reddish in color with what looked like vegetation or berries. They didn't find any bear tracks in the area, which seemed odd to them. Kevin and his wife are convinced that they had a Sasquatch encounter, and the video has sparked excitement in the Bigfoot community. The Sierra Nevada Mountains are known to be a hotspot for Sasquatch sightings, and this encounter adds to the growing body of evidence that these elusive creatures exist. If you're interested in watching the video and hearing Kevin's story firsthand, you can find it on the Creek Devil YouTube channel. It's always exciting to hear about new Sasquatch sightings and encounters, and this one is definitely worth checking out. I'm always on the lookout for new evidence and stories, and this video does not disappoint.