Portlock, Alaska's Ghostly Encounter with the NoNoLock: A Bigfoot Mystery

Posted Sunday, February 09, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

In the vast and mysterious world of Bigfoot sightings and encounters, the abandoned town of Portlock, Alaska stands out as a hotbed of activity and intrigue. With a long history of strange occurrences and eerie legends, this isolated village has earned a reputation as a place to be approached with caution. A recent video posted on the Wild Discovery YouTube channel delves into the chilling tales of Portlock and its infamous resident, the NoNo loock. I was excited to come across this captivating video, and I couldn't wait to share its findings with our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video paints a vivid picture of the land's dark and mysterious past, starting with the arrival of British Captain Nathaniel Portlock in 1785. His crew discovered an abandoned native village, which set the stage for a series of unfortunate events that would plague the area for centuries to come. The video describes how Portlock's crew was struck by a mysterious sickness, and strange, unearthly cries echoed through the dense forest at night. The settlers' fear and paranoia grew as they caught glimpses of shadowy figures moving just beyond the tree line. Despite their best efforts to rationalize the events, the oppressive atmosphere became inescapable, and the crew eventually abandoned the settlement. Over the years, new settlers arrived in Portlock, each with their own encounters with the inexplicable. The Sugpak people, a nomadic indigenous community, experienced terror unlike anything they had known. They described being attacked by cannibal giants, the NoNo, which seemed to emerge from the forest without warning. These towering beasts with glowing eyes were relentless, and despite the Sugpak's efforts to defend themselves, they were ultimately forced to abandon their settlement. The video goes on to describe how a modern community arrived in the 1920s, determined to succeed where others had failed. They built modern amenities and enforced strict rules to avoid provoking the forest's mysterious inhabitants. For nearly a decade, it seemed to work. However, complacency eventually crept in, and tragedy struck once again. One particularly chilling incident involved the death of a skilled logger named Andrew Camlock in 1931. His body was found in a horrific state, with his head crushed by his own logging sled and his dogs torn apart nearby. The sheer force and brutality of the scene were beyond human explanation, and it marked a turning point for the community. Fear of the NoNo began to resurface, and residents reported hearing strange cries and seeing shadows in the forest. Despite the community's efforts to maintain a sense of normalcy, the sense of security they had built began to unravel. Hunters and loggers started disappearing, and massive footprints measuring over 18 inches long were discovered in the mud. These findings further fueled the growing hysteria, and by the late 1930s, the once-thriving settlement was a shadow of its former self. The video serves as a fascinating glimpse into the rich history of Bigfoot sightings and encounters in Portlock, Alaska. It's a captivating reminder of the mysterious and often unexplainable world we share with these elusive creatures. I highly recommend watching the Wild Discovery video and exploring the wealth of information it provides about this intriguing location and its legendary resident, the NoNo loock.