Russian Bigfoot Videos: Unnatural Creature Caught on Camera?

Posted Sunday, February 09, 2025

By staff

A video posted on YouTube by the channel WTH SHOW has been making the rounds among Bigfoot enthusiasts, and it's easy to see why. The video, titled "Is THIS Really Bigfoot CAUGHT ON Camera?," features a series of clips that purport to show the elusive creature in all its glory. I was excited to take a closer look at these videos and share my thoughts with our readers. The first clip features a father and son who captured what appears to be a gorilla-like creature in Russia. The movements of the creature are unlike anything a human could replicate, leaving many to wonder what exactly it is. While some have suggested it could be a human in a suit, the way it moves and its overall build suggest otherwise. The next clip takes us back to Russia, where a group of hikers encountered something truly terrifying in the woods. The creature's footprints in the snow are unlike anything a human could make, and its movements are just as strange. Some have suggested that the creature could be a Yeti, a creature from Russian folklore that is said to inhabit the remote regions of the country. The third clip features a personal favorite of mine, as it involves one of my favorite animals - dogs! In this clip, a dog in Northern Minnesota starts barking at something behind the garage. As the owner approaches, the dog becomes increasingly agitated, leading many to believe that there is a Bigfoot nearby. Overall, these videos are certainly intriguing and worth taking a closer look at. While some may be skeptical, there's no denying that there are some strange and unexplained phenomena happening in these clips. I'm always excited to see new footage and evidence of the creature's existence. Whether or not these videos are conclusive proof of Bigfoot remains to be seen, but they certainly make for interesting viewing. If you're interested in checking out these videos for yourself, be sure to head over to the WTH SHOW YouTube channel and give them a watch. And as always, if you have any Bigfoot sightings or evidence to share, be sure to submit them to Squatchable for further investigation.