Uncover" is not allowed, but "Discover" is, so here's the video: "Discover Shannon Morgan's Chilling Bigfoot Encounters

Posted Sunday, February 09, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A thrilling first-hand account of a possible Bigfoot encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Encounters Narrated. The video, titled "BIGFOOT WAS AS BIG AS A MOOSE," features an individual recounting their chilling experience while camping in a remote area. According to the witness, they were in a small clearing near a river, under a small hill, gathering firewood with two friends when they heard rustling in the trees. The source of the noise was approaching them, breaking branches and sounding incredibly large. Although they couldn't see anything through the dense brush, the witness could tell that whatever it was, it was coming towards them. One of the friends picked up a rock and threw it towards the source of the noise, causing it to stop briefly before continuing in their direction. This sent the group running in fear back to their campfire, where the rest of their fraternity members were waiting. None of the other members had heard anything, leaving the group to wonder if they were being pranked. The witness also shared a story from a fraternity member's past experience, where his family's house was banged on by something large, leaving behind barefoot prints that were washed away by the rain the next morning. During a hunting trip, the witness heard large impact sounds and rustling in the brush, followed by the feeling of being watched for over three hours. When their friend arrived, he too felt as though they were being watched. Later that night, they all smelled a dirty, sweaty, skunk-like odor that seemed to emanate from the south. As if that wasn't enough, the witness's friend saw eye shine that was described as large, red, and taller than him. The witness initially thought it was a deer, but their friend insisted it was something much larger. The following morning, the witness heard three wood knocks to their west, followed by what sounded like a small caliber rifle going off, a tree snap, and splintering wood. Later that day, they observed three red cedars bent over at the 8 to 10-foot mark, pointing northwest, as well as a nest-like structure made of small tree branches. The witness's friend also heard people talking down his deer trail, which he couldn't understand, and a loud whistle. The witness themselves heard mumbling south of them, which sounded like an Asian foreigner talking, as well as two whistles south of them down a deer trail. That night, the witness was jolted awake by a loud human-sounding roar that was described as a combination of an African lion, a T-Rex, and a really angry human. The witness could feel this sound vibrating in their chest and believed it came from the edge of the camp. The following morning, the group found a huge plum thicket and smelled a dirty, sweaty, skunk-like odor, which the witness believed was from whatever made the roar the night before. Due to the unsettling experience, the group packed up and left. This account is a fascinating addition to the many stories of possible Bigfoot encounters. While it's impossible to confirm the validity of the witness's experience, it's certainly a chilling tale that will leave you wondering if there's something out there in the woods. Be sure to check out the full video on Bigfoot Encounters Narrated's YouTube channel.