Great-Grandmother's Bigfoot Encounter on a Reservation: A Family's Story

Posted Wednesday, February 05, 2025

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter has recently surfaced on YouTube, and it's definitely worth a watch for any serious Sasquatch enthusiast. The story comes from the YouTube channel Alilee Na'alkaah and takes place on the Navajo Nation in the 1990s. In the video, a family member shares a chilling tale of a mysterious "guest" that would frequently attempt to enter their mobile home. The creature would make its presence known by hitting the walls, doors, and windows, trying to gain entry. The family member would try to communicate with the being, telling it to come inside. One night, the family member's uncle decided to stay up and confront the mysterious visitor. He had a dog, a Mastiff named Wasuma, who he had trained to hunt Skinwalkers. The uncle opened a window slightly and sat in the closet with his gun, waiting for the creature to appear. Soon enough, a huge gorilla-like being with long, hairy arms reached into the window, trying to crawl inside. The uncle was startled and grabbed his dog, jumping back into the closet. The dog then tackled the creature outside the trailer, and a fierce struggle ensued. The uncle eventually shot at the creature as it ran away, and he reported hearing a horrible scream like a woman dying. After the encounter, the mysterious visitor seemed to disappear for a few years, but eventually returned. The family has since seen several different types of Bigfoot, including one with long ears and another that looked like a giant gorilla. While the story is certainly intriguing, it's always best to see the evidence for yourself. Be sure to check out the full video on Alilee Na'alkaah's YouTube channel and decide for yourself if this is a genuine Bigfoot encounter. As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting stories like this one. Happy Squatching!