Unraveling Bigfoot's History: The Significance of the First Cast and Laredo Findings

Posted Saturday, February 01, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from the North American Bigfoot Center's YouTube channel, the topic of discussion is the individual Sasquatch known as "Bigfoot" and the Footprints associated with this specific creature. The video delves into the history of Bigfoot's Footprints, including the cast made by Jerry Crew in 1958, which is the first known cast of a Sasquatch Footprint. The video also discusses a cast made by Bob Titmus, which is a copy of the original 1958 cast. However, Bob Titmus made a mistake by sanding down the cast and coloring it, which is not ideal when creating a cast of a Footprint. The original cast should have all the dirt, grime, and rocks still in the cast to provide accurate information about the Footprint. Bigfoot's Footprints have been found in various locations, including Humboldt County, California, in April 1963. Three Footprints were cast, and they are believed to be from the same individual as the 1958 Footprints. The video also mentions a 14 1/2 inch Footprint found in Bluff Creek, which is associated with this individual Bigfoot. Another interesting find discussed in the video is the Laredo Meadow casts, which were found in 1963 by Guy Graves and Roger Patterson. Roger Patterson is known for capturing the famous Bigfoot footage in his 1967 film. The Laredo Meadow casts are copies of the original casts, but they are not very good copies. The video is informative and provides valuable insights into the history of Bigfoot's Footprints. It is fascinating to learn about the different casts and their significance in the study of Sasquatch. The North American Bigfoot Center's YouTube channel is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about Bigfoot and the evidence surrounding this elusive creature. If you're interested in learning more about Bigfoot and the Footprints associated with this individual, be sure to check out the video on the North American Bigfoot Center's YouTube channel. It's a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast!