Joan Ocean's Cosmic Love with Interdimensional Bigfoot Clarence: A Spiritualist's Encounter

Posted Saturday, February 01, 2025

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel MKUSUAL has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "TinFoil Friday: Sexy Time Bigfoot Edition," explores some of the more unusual stories surrounding Sasquatch encounters. One of the stories featured in the video is about a woman named Joan Ocean, who claims to have married Bigfoot in the lush forests of Hawaii. According to Joan, her husband, who she calls Clarence, is an interdimensional being with telepathic abilities. She describes him as standing 9 feet tall, covered in thick brown fur, and possessing an intelligence beyond human comprehension. Joan insists that Clarence communicates through thoughts and feelings rather than words, and that their relationship is deeply emotional, physical, and cosmic. She also believes that Clarence prefers women with a natural musk, and that common hygiene products like deodorant and perfume repel him. Another story featured in the video is about a small but devoted group of believers in Georgia who have taken Bigfoot worship to an unexpected level. They believe that Bigfoot is an interdimensional being actively searching for human mates, and their rituals revolve around mating ceremonies where women dawn fur-infused clothing and walk deep into the woods at night hoping to attract the attention of a wandering Sasquatch. The group's leader claims to have experienced intimacy with Bigfoot, describing the encounter as otherworldly and life-changing. They even believe that Bigfoot-human hybrids already exist but are being hidden by the government. While these stories may seem far-fetched to some, they are an interesting reminder of the many different ways that people experience and interpret their encounters with Sasquatch. Whether you believe in the more unusual stories or not, they are a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot lore. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the full video on the MKUSUAL YouTube channel. And as always, happy squatching!