Hiker's Close Encounter: Mysterious Sounds and Unidentified Presence on Colorado Trail

Posted Saturday, February 01, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A thrilling account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel, Sasquatch And The Wild. In the video titled "The Adventure At Mount Massive Part 4, 2018 Unseen Interactions," the channel's owner, Patrick, recounts his experience while hiking in the Colorado wilderness. Patrick describes hearing strange growling noises and feeling an unseen presence near him. He was certain that the sounds he heard were not from a bear or a mountain lion, but rather, from something that sounded like a person. Despite his initial hesitation, Patrick decided to follow a series of logs up the hill, hoping to find the trail to Mammoth Mountain and beyond. As he continued his hike, he encountered a woman who was hiking the Colorado Trail. She shared with him that she had heard a vocal the previous night, which sounded like a person in distress. The next morning, some hikers went down to the spot where they thought the person might have jumped or tried to die, but they didn't find anyone. Instead, they heard heavy footsteps coming down the trail, which sounded like they belonged to something big. Patrick's