Sisters of the Moon Research Group: Nighttime Sasquatch Encounters in Tribulation Bay

Posted Saturday, February 01, 2025

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Cryptid Wilderness Research, host Daniel Becker interviews Debi Porch from the all-female research group Sisters of the Moon. Debi shares her experiences and research in the field of cryptozoology, specifically focusing on her work in Oklahoma and Texas. Debi and her team have been researching an area known as Tribulation Bay in Oklahoma, where they have had numerous encounters and recordings of strange sounds and activity. According to Debi, the Sasquatch in this area have a reputation for being more on the calmer side, and she has never felt in danger during her encounters with them. During a camping trip to Tribulation Bay a few months ago, Debi and her team had a surprising encounter with a Sasquatch. Despite the fact that some trees had been thinned out and the leaves were thinning, they were still able to hear some calls and even had a big hand press against the side of their tent. Debi also shared a story of a personal encounter she had in Sam Houston National Forest a few years ago. While on a midnight hike with a friend, they saw a Sasquatch and heard strange sounds. As a Bigfoot believer and researcher, Debi's stories and experiences are both fascinating and informative. She and her team continue to explore and document their findings in the hopes of furthering our understanding of these elusive creatures. If you're interested in learning more about Debi and her research, be sure to check out the full video on the Cryptid Wilderness Research YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay Squatchable!