Unveiling Bigfoot, Dogman, and Gugwe's Wild Diets: Exclusive Insights
Posted Monday, January 27, 2025
By Squatchable.com staff
If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're in for a treat! A video recently surfaced on YouTube, posted by the channel NW Native Tracker, discussing the various food types that Bigfoot consumes. I'm thrilled to share some insights from the video with you.
The video starts off by mentioning that Bigfoot eats bullrush roots, cattail roots, and even engages in dumpster diving. The channel's host, who has extensive experience tracking and observing Bigfoot, explains that they make sure to find at least three other pieces of evidence in the area before confirming a food source. This includes auditory calls, tracks, or foraging patterns.
Some of the specific food types mentioned in the video include crawfish, deer, frogs, small birds, mountain goats, lizards, geese, snakes, ducks, herons, worms, raptor squabs, termites, doves, pigeons, rabbits, turtles, beavers, muskrats, squirrels, wolves, rats, fish, freshwater clams, saltwater clams, mussels, sunfed people, horses, iris roots, cattails, choke cherries, berries, root vegetables, grapes, cherries, fennel, fennel bulbs, fennel flowers, fenel seeds, fern bulbs, fern fiddles, mushrooms, dandelion flowers, minor lettuce, Penny wart flowers, creeping Penny wart, and gooseberries.
One interesting fact mentioned in the video is that Bigfoot have to soak iris roots for 24 hours before consuming them to detoxify them. They also eat the pith out of blackberry stems, similar to gorillas.
The video also touches on the topic of gugway, a type of Bigfoot that looks very human in the face and has charcoal skin and black hair all over their bodies. Gugway have slightly expressed canines, claws on their hands and feet, and black eyes.
Overall, this video is a fascinating glimpse into the dietary habits of Bigfoot. I encourage you to check out the video for yourself and learn more about the various food types that Bigfoot consumes. Who knows, it might even inspire you to try some of these foods yourself!