Mysterious Substance and Skull-Shaped Imprint: A Siberian Encounter

Posted Monday, January 27, 2025

By staff

A chilling account of a possible encounter with something otherworldly has been shared on the YouTube channel Bone\_Man. The video, titled "Russian Blob and Interdimensional Bigfoot," tells the story of a geologist who had a strange and terrifying experience while working in Siberia in 2008. The geologist, who was on a contract with a Russian company called North Gas, was stationed at a remote site in Northern Siberia with a German engineer. They were there to survey potential gas sites and had been warned about the dangers of the area, including the presence of bears and other wild animals. However, it wasn't the local wildlife that they had to worry about. The geologist describes hearing strange noises coming from the permafrost holes in the ground, which they initially dismissed as cave noises. But things took a turn for the worse when they found a viscous, warm substance around one of the holes that felt like pork belly fat. The situation became even more terrifying when they heard guttural noises outside their van and found that the passenger window had been smeared with the same substance, along with an outline of an elongated human skull with no eye orbitals. The geologist and the engineer quickly packed up and left the site, but the experience has stayed with them. The geologist now believes that they may have encountered something interdimensional, possibly even a Bigfoot. This video is definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in the paranormal or cryptozoology. It's a fascinating and terrifying account that will leave you questioning what's really out there. You can check it out for yourself on the Bone\_Man YouTube channel.