A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Bigfoot Outlaw ~ Grizzly has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Bigfoot Outlaw Presents: Bigfoot & Cryptid Encounters/Stories," features a discussion about various encounters and sightings of Bigfoot, particularly in Alaska.
The video begins with the host, Chris, expressing his excitement about the cold weather and his hopes of getting out in the woods to see if anything is going on with the "big old Buddies." He also mentions the recent snowfall in Louisiana and Florida, which is unusual for those areas.
Chris then goes on to discuss the aggressive nature of Bigfoots in Alaska and the many missing persons cases associated with them. He wonders if it's a particular group of Sasquatches that are aggressive or if it's the people who respond differently to their calls. He also mentions a Hunter who claimed to have seen a Bigfoot turn around and look at him after being shot multiple times at close range.
The conversation then turns to the historical aspect of Bigfoot, with a mention of Russell's book "Searching for Sasquatch with Historical Observations and Interpretations." The book discusses the Daniel Boone encounter where Daniel Boone's son shot a Bigfoot multiple times with no effect, and Daniel Boone himself had to shoot it in the head to kill it. The book also talks about the discovery of a breastbone breastplate protecting the center mass area, similar to a built-in bulletproof vest.
Chris also mentions a rumor about a built-in shield in wild hogs that makes it difficult to stop them with a front chest shot, which is similar to the breastplate breastbone in Bigfoots.
Towards the end of the video, Chris shows off his "Bigfoot gun" and talks about a family who lost a cousin and an uncle in Alaska due to Bigfoot encounters. The video ends with Chris expressing his belief that Bigfoots don't live in one place 100% of the time and their abilities to shift between dimensions.
I find this video to be informative and interesting. It's always great to hear about different encounters and sightings, and the historical aspect of Bigfoot is something that I find fascinating. I encourage our readers to check out the video and share their thoughts on the topic.
Additionally, I would like to remind our readers that the video is not our own, but we are simply sharing it and expressing our thoughts on the topic. We respect all opinions and believe that Bigfoot is a fascinating and mysterious creature. I hope you enjoy the video and the information it provides. Happy Squatching!