Bigfoot Responds to Coyote Calls: Real Audio Evidence from East Georgia

Posted Wednesday, January 22, 2025

By staff

A thrilling video recently surfaced on YouTube, showcasing what appears to be compelling evidence of Sasquatch activity in rural East Georgia. The Sasquatch Encounter Brigade, a YouTube channel dedicated to Sasquatch research and encounters, shared this captivating footage. In the video, the team recounts their first trip to a property outside of Augusta, where they had heard of a previous Sasquatch encounter experienced by the property owner, Happy Harris, who was only 19 at the time. The team decided to investigate the area due to its promising characteristics: abundant wildlife, water sources, and remote farmland. During their initial visit, the team discovered physical evidence, such as tracks, and had a few intriguing experiences. Two team members returned to the cabin, while the remaining three—the video's narrator, Scott, and Happy—were left at the campsite. As they sat around the campfire, they played coyote calls, attempting to lure any nearby Sasquatches. Shortly after playing the calls, they heard a series of vocalizations that sounded almost canine-like. However, upon closer examination of the audio recording, they noticed an embedded vocalization that convinced them the sounds were not from a canine. As they continued their nighttime vigil, a rock was thrown at the vehicle from the woodline, followed by a distinct mouth pop sound. The team heard a clear grunt, which they believed to be a Sasquatch reacting to their presence. The narrator, determined to capture thermal footage of the Sasquatch, slowly made his way towards the woodline with his thermal camera. Despite not finding any visual evidence, the team was convinced that they had encountered a Sasquatch family. This video is an excellent example of the compelling evidence that Sasquatch researchers and enthusiasts continue to discover, analyze, and share. The Sasquatch Encounter Brigade's video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Sasquatch encounters and research. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. The Sasquatch Encounter Brigade has provided us with an exciting glimpse into the world of Sasquatch research, and we eagerly await their future findings.