Snow Monkey Encounter in South Texas: A New Perspective on Feral Ranging Primates and Bigfoot Sightings
Posted Wednesday, January 01, 2025
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel Global Bigfoot, a fascinating discovery was made in South Texas - a wild population of Japanese macaques, also known as snow monkeys. These monkeys are thriving in an area with temperatures that often exceed 100°F, which challenges the notion that primates couldn't survive in North America.
The video also explores the possibility of a connection between feral primates and reports of Bigfoot and Skunk Apes in the southern United States. Florida, in particular, has established populations of rhesus monkeys, and there have been numerous sightings of what appear to be chimpanzees and gorillas. While many of these reports can be attributed to escaped exotic animals, some researchers believe that there may be remnants of these populations living in the Everglades, which could explain some of the mysterious Skunk Ape sightings.
One particularly intriguing case is the Mayaka Ape, an orangutan-like creature reported in Sarasota, Florida. While some believe it may be an undiscovered species, others suggest it could be a feral orangutan. The video also discusses reports of baboon-like creatures in Louisiana and Texas, which are especially puzzling as there are no known populations of baboons in the wild in North America.
I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on the possibility of feral primates living in America. While they are not the answer to the Bigfoot phenomenon, they may be a part of the mystery surrounding some of the more ape-like reports.
As a Bigfoot enthusiast, I find these discoveries and reports fascinating, and I'm excited to see what new evidence and insights will emerge in the future. Who knows what other undiscovered species or populations may be living in the wilds of North America?