Mexican Outdoor Enthusiast's Chilling Bigfoot Encounters in P Co Wilderness
Posted Sunday, December 29, 2024
By staff
A video posted on YouTube by the channel The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH has been making waves in the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "New Mexico Reports Sasquatch And Twelve Photos Included," features a firsthand account of a possible Sasquatch encounter in the area.
The witness, who identifies himself as an old New Mexico cowboy and historian, shares his experience of hiking in the Pecos Wilderness east of Santa Fe in 1977. While on the hike, he and his friend heard loud cracks and snaps, followed by the falling of two trees. The witness believes that something large and heavy was moving through the forest, causing the trees to fall.
He also recounts a second encounter in the same area, where he and a friend heard a loud explosion of sound, followed by lights in the trees. A group of hikers later appeared, claiming to be members of a hiking club that hikes at night.
The witness goes on to share several other strange occurrences that he has experienced over the years, including a sighting of a group of wild turkeys at night while camping with his nephews.
The video also includes twelve photos that the witness claims are evidence of Sasquatch in the area. These photos show large, humanoid figures in the woods, as well as strange footprints and other possible signs of Sasquatch activity.
I encourage our readers to watch the video and see the evidence for themselves. While some may be skeptical, the witness's account is certainly intriguing and adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that Sasquatch may indeed exist.
I am always excited to see new reports and evidence of these elusive creatures. The witness's account and the accompanying photos are certainly worth taking a closer look at. Who knows, they may provide the missing piece of the puzzle that proves once and for all that Sasquatch is real.
Excitement level: 7 out of 10. The witness's account and the accompanying photos are certainly interesting and add to the intrigue surrounding Sasquatch. While we cannot confirm the authenticity of the photos, they are certainly worth further investigation. As always, we encourage our readers to keep an open mind and to continue the search for the truth about Sasquatch.