Ex-Combat Engineer's Encounter with Enormous, Swaying Figures in Oregon Coast Range, 1993

Posted Saturday, December 21, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating interview with a Sasquatch researcher has recently surfaced on the YouTube channel Sasquatch UN-Redacted. In this video, the channel interviews Todd Neiss, a former combat engineer and the first encounter that sparked his interest in Bigfoot. Neiss's story began on April 3, 1993, while working on private Timberland in the Oregon Coast Range. He and his team were conducting a training exercise involving explosives when he spotted three dark figures standing in the middle of a Quarry. These figures were black from head to foot, massive in size, and standing on two legs. Neiss described them as having long arms that went down below their knees and legs that were disproportionately long compared to a human's. The figures were standing three abreast, with the one in the middle being the tallest, estimated at 8 to 9 feet in height. The two on either side were slightly shorter but still massive in size. The middle figure stood completely still, while the two on either side rocked back and forth, swaying their long pendulous arms. Neiss watched the figures for 25 seconds before they disappeared around a corner. He was left in shock, trying to wrap his head around what he had just witnessed. Despite his initial disbelief in the existence of Bigfoot, Neiss's encounter left him with no choice but to accept that he had just seen something otherworldly. The interview with Neiss is a captivating account of a first-hand encounter with Sasquatch. It's a must-watch for anyone interested in the world of Bigfoot. Check out the video on Sasquatch UN-Redacted and let us know what you think in the comments below.