Sasquatch Encounter in Colorado Rockies: A Firsthand Account

Posted Tuesday, December 17, 2024

By staff

A chilling encounter with a Sasquatch in the Colorado Rockies is the focus of a video posted on the Buckeye Bigfoot YouTube channel. The video, titled "Mountains Are Sasquatch Territory - Don't Go In To The Mountains Alone," shares the personal experience of the channel's owner, who had a close encounter with a Sasquatch while staying in a cabin on Cow Mountain with his wife for their honeymoon in 1988. The video begins with the channel's owner discussing his personal rule of never going into the mountains alone, a rule he established after hearing strange calls in the Sierra Nevada mountains while camping alone in 1988. He then shares the story of his honeymoon in the Colorado Rockies, where he and his wife stayed in a cabin on Cow Mountain through the winter. The couple spent the autumn months preparing for the winter, putting up extra wood and buying supplies in Colorado Springs. They were young, in love, and making the most of their time together in the cabin. However, as often happens in close quarters, a disagreement arose, leading the channel's owner to go for a walk to clear his head. It was then, while walking in the woods, that he had his encounter with the Sasquatch. The creature stood out in the snow-covered landscape, its black fur the darkest thing in sight. The channel's owner describes the Sasquatch as being over 9 feet tall, with broad shoulders and a rounded chest, not quite like a human or a gorilla. At first, the Sasquatch stood still, staring at the channel's owner. But then, it began to advance towards him, and he ran, with the Sasquatch following close behind. The channel's owner was able to make it back to the cabin, shaken but unharmed. The video is a fascinating first-hand account of a Sasquatch encounter and serves as a reminder of the dangers of venturing into the mountains alone. While the channel's owner admits that he was young and foolish at the time, his experience serves as a cautionary tale for all those who are interested in exploring the great outdoors. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, this video is a must-watch. The channel's owner's personal experience with a Sasquatch is both thrilling and terrifying, and it's a reminder of the mysterious and elusive nature of these creatures. So, grab your snacks, find a comfortable spot, and get ready to be captivated by this chilling Sasquatch encounter in the Colorado Rockies.