Bigfoot Researcher Discovers 24-inch Alpha Male Print in North Jal County

Posted Monday, November 18, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're in for a treat! A recent video posted on YouTube by Barb Hartman has some fascinating insights and discoveries to share. The video, titled "Bigfoot Outlaw Presents: Bigfoot Encounters and More!" features Mike, a dedicated Bigfoot researcher, who went on a hike in North Jal County, near the Mississippi River, and made some intriguing finds. Mike came across a gravel service road where he discovered a 24-inch footprint with five perfect toes. The print was found in a soft area of the road, and it matched the size and shape of other Bigfoot tracks that he had encountered before. He also found a tree structure that seemed to be created by a large, heavy creature. What's even more exciting is that Mike found this print in the exact same spot where he had cast a 17-inch print with students last spring. This indicates that Bigfoot may be using this area as a known travel way. Mike also shared some tips on how to cast a print in the field. He recommended using DAP plaster or hydral, which hardens faster and harder than regular plaster. He suggested mixing equal parts of the material with water and using a gallon-size Ziploc bag to mix it up. The video also features some interesting discussions about Bigfoot behavior and habits. For example, Mike mentioned that Bigfoot often travels off the main path to avoid leaving visible tracks. He also talked about how Bigfoot may use tree structures as markers or territorial signs. If you're interested in learning more about Mike's discoveries and insights, be sure to check out the video on Barb Hartman's YouTube channel. And if you have any Bigfoot sightings or encounters to share, we'd love to hear from you! Remember, we're all in this together, exploring the mysteries of the woods and the creatures that inhabit them.