Hunters' Encounter with Mysterious Creature in Ishi Wilderness
Posted Monday, November 11, 2024
By staff
In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel Real Eyes Tv, two outdoorsmen and avid hunters named John and Ryan embarked on a non-hunting trip to the ishy Wilderness Area in Lassen National Forest. The area, which is named after the Yahana man who emerged from the Wilderness in 1911 after the last members of his tribe had died, is known for its dramatic landscape and prime mountain lion habitat.
John and Ryan were hoping to photograph some wildlife in the area, as most of the Wilderness is in a Game Preserve and makes for great mountain lion habitat. They packed their supplies and hit the road, excited about what they might find.
As they drove to the Wilderness, they discussed the history of the area and the American Indian Wars, during which even women and children were not spared. They knew that going into the ishy Wilderness required being respectful and careful of any historical and cultural sites they may find.
After a bumpy ride, they arrived at the Deer Creek Trail Head and began their hike. The canyon was stunning, with lava pillars rising high above their heads and the sound of wild solitude surrounding them. They meandered along, taking pictures of the different raptors soaring above the canyon and of the lone tiny quail that scuttled across the trail in front of them.
Eventually, they reached the banks of Deer Creek and picked a spot 10 ft Downstream from a small rock ledge to relax and wait for some fish to try and jump the tiny hurdle. As they waited, they heard a strange sound coming from the cliff across the creek. It didn't sound like an owl, but after scouring their bird list, they determined that it was the one that made the most sense.
As they sat there, Ryan started to feel like he was being watched. He knew from years of hunting that this feeling was normal when an apex predator is watching you, so he grabbed his binoculars and scoured the area. But there was nothing there.
The sun started to go behind the canyon cliffs, so they returned to the main trail to find a place to camp for the night. As they set up their tent, they heard the padding sound of footsteps next to the tent. Ryan turned on his flashlight and saw something large with dark brown body hair and a very human-like face with smooth black skin glaring down at him.
He froze in fear, trembling as the creature turned its head from side to side and let out a loud growl. It struck the tent with its massive hand, causing Ryan to shriek in terror. The creature turned and ran before Jon could focus his blurry eyes, leaving Ryan to explain what he'd seen to Jon.
Jon talked to Ryan and promised to keep watch while he slept, but Ryan was sure that it was just a bad dream. As they hiked back out of the Wilderness the next day, Ryan kept looking over his shoulder and looking at the ground for some proof of what had happened.
When they reached the trail head, they saw that the back end of their Jeep had been moved several feet sideways. John first looked at the ground, where the scrape marks from the tire were clear in the dirt. Then his eyes settled on the large handprints on the dusty exterior. He lifted his hand to compare and it was easily twice the size of his.
In that moment, John realized how little he really knew about the forest and what hides beneath its canopy. This video is a fascinating account of a possible encounter with a human-like creature in the ishy Wilderness Area. If you're a Bigfoot believer, it's definitely worth checking out.