Friends' Thrilling Bigfoot Encounters: Cemetery Whispers and Infrasound Whops

Posted Thursday, November 07, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're going to love this YouTube video from the channel "Bigfoot Outlaw ~ Grizzly"! The video, titled "Bigfoot Outlaw Presents: Bigfoot Encounters and More!", is a must-watch for anyone interested in the world of Sasquatch. The video starts off with some shout-outs to the channel's followers, including Russell, Scott, Griff, Joey, Leonard, and Barb. The hosts then dive into a discussion about their recent adventures, including a bonfire with friends and a ghost hunting expedition at Crybaby Ridge and Bridge. During the ghost hunting trip, one of the investigators, Chaz, had a strange encounter with a mouse. He was able to catch the mouse and was walking around with it when it bit him. The whole encounter was caught on camera, and the hosts find it absolutely hilarious. But the real excitement starts when the group hears strange noises on the roof of their location. They initially think it's Bigfoot, but it turns out to be a Chinook helicopter flying overhead. Despite the disappointment of not encountering Bigfoot, the group is still thrilled by the experience. Later in the video, one of the hosts, Barb, shares her own Bigfoot encounter. She was taking her dog outside when she saw several Sasquatch standing beyond the light. She felt a wave of sickness come over her and vomited, but not before hearing whoops from outside her bathroom window. She believes she was hit by infrasound, a low-frequency sound wave that can cause physical reactions in humans. I encourage you to watch the video for yourself and see all the excitement and intrigue for yourself. The video is a great reminder of why we're all so fascinated by the world of Bigfoot, and it's a must-watch for anyone interested in the subject. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as the Bigfoot Outlaw team takes you on a wild adventure through the world of Sasquatch!