Special Forces Soldiers Encounter Mysterious Beings on Training Ground

Posted Friday, October 25, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A thrilling account of a Bigfoot encounter on a military training ground has been making waves in the Bigfoot community. The testimony comes from a member of an Army Special Forces team who were conducting training exercises at a proving ground. The team had gone six miles into the training ground to test out new thermal sights when they noticed three figures on the mountainside beside them. According to the witness, the figures were not visible through night vision, but were clearly visible through thermal and flare. The team observed the figures traversing the mountainside at an angle, heading towards them. As they approached the next intersection, the figures crossed the road, their heads visible above the 8-foot light posts. The team was so frightened that they called for backup, having a fully-armed Bradley tank roll out to the location. The figures then traversed the mountain range on the other side of the valley and disappeared from sight within 20 minutes. The witness states that the encounter was not an isolated incident, as there were other reports of Bigfoot sightings in the area. The team had to sign documentation upon returning to base, promising not to disclose the location of the encounter. The witness was so shaken by the experience that they called the base multiple times during the encounter, trying to find out if there were any other military members on the range. This testimony is a dramatic addition to the already vast body of evidence supporting the existence of Bigfoot. The witness's military background and the advanced technology used during the encounter lend credibility to the story. The fact that the witness and their team were so frightened by the encounter speaks to the power and presence of Bigfoot. If you're interested in hearing the full testimony, be sure to check out the video on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. This is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast or researcher. The witness's account is a chilling reminder of the reality and power of Bigfoot.