Northern California Logger's Encounter with a 9-Foot Tall, Yellow-Eyed Bigfoot

Posted Wednesday, October 16, 2024

By staff

A chilling account of a possible encounter with a Sasquatch has been shared on the YouTube channel "Legend Of Bigfoot Encounters." The video, titled "I Survived a Bigfoot Attack: Don't Miss Here’s What Happened," features a firsthand account of a group of loggers who claim to have had a terrifying encounter with a large, hairy creature deep in the Northern California woods. The video begins with the logger, who remains unnamed, explaining that he has lived in Northern California his entire life and has spent a significant amount of time in the woods. However, he describes a particular incident last fall that has left him shaken and unwilling to return to the area. The logger and his crew were working in a remote area of the Clamo Range, which he describes as being far off the beaten path and rarely visited. The trees in the area were massive and untouched for decades, making it a profitable job for the logging company. Despite the potential for profit, the logger describes an unsettling feeling in the air, as if the woods were holding their breath. On the fourth day of their stay, the crew heard strange noises in the woods, including a low rumbling growl that seemed to vibrate through the ground beneath them. The logger describes the creature's eyes as glowing a dull menacing yellow in the beam of a flashlight, and estimates it to be at least 9 feet tall with broad shoulders and long thick arms. The crew was understandably terrified and quickly left the area, with the logger stating that they called the company the next day and told them they were pulling out due to safety concerns. This video is certainly intriguing and adds to the body of evidence surrounding the existence of Sasquatch. While it is impossible to verify the authenticity of the account, it is certainly worth a watch for anyone interested in the subject. The logger's description of the creature's eyes glowing a dull menacing yellow is particularly interesting, as this is a common characteristic described in many Sasquatch sightings. It is also worth noting that the Clamo Range is a known hotspot for Sasquatch sightings, with numerous reports of large, hairy creatures being seen in the area over the years. Wrapping up, while we cannot confirm the validity of this account, it is certainly worth considering and adds to the intrigue surrounding the existence of Sasquatch. The logger's description of the creature is chilling and adds to the body of evidence surrounding the creature's appearance and behavior. Whether or not you believe in the existence of Sasquatch, this video is certainly worth a watch. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch sightings and encounters, be sure to check out the rest of the videos on the "Legend Of Bigfoot Encounters" YouTube channel. And, as always, keep an open mind and stay curious. Who knows what mysteries still lie hidden in the woods of Northern California and beyond?