Texas Bigfoot Encounter: Man Faces Mysterious Creature, Leaves with Chilling Evidence

Posted Monday, October 14, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has been making the rounds on YouTube, and it's definitely worth a watch for any serious Bigfoot enthusiast. The video, titled "BIGFOOT IN TEXAS PART FOUR" and posted by the channel Bigfoot Encounters Narrated, features a firsthand account of a startling encounter with the elusive creature. The witness, Shannon Morgan, describes a trip to Panola County, Texas in April 1988. She and her friends were spending their weekend at a hunting camp on the Sabine River, as they often did. After a successful fishing trip, they began to clean their catch at a nearby well. It was then that they heard strange noises coming from the direction of the well. At first, they assumed it was just varmints like raccoons or possums, but as Shannon approached the well with a flashlight and her 22 rifle, she quickly realized that something much larger and more intimidating was lurking in the shadows. She describes seeing a "large dark mass" sitting by the well, which stood up on two feet when she shone her light on it. understandably terrified, Shannon fired a couple of shots in the air to scare off whatever was lurking in the darkness. The creature didn't move or make a sound, but she could hear its footsteps as it retreated into the woods. The next day, she and her friends discovered large five-toed footprints at the well, along with all of the guts from their fish catch - except for the heads. Shannon is adamant that what she saw was not a bear or any other known animal. She describes the creature as being at least 6'5 or taller, and covered in matted hair that was caked with mud. She also notes that the creature had a distinct odor, which she compares to a skunk's spray. This encounter is just one of many fascinating stories featured on the Bigfoot Encounters Narrated YouTube channel. If you're interested in learning more about the world of Bigfoot, be sure to check out their other videos. And who knows - maybe one day you'll have your own encounter with the elusive creature!