Mississippi Grandfather's Extraordinary Bigfoot Encounters and Gifts

Posted Sunday, October 13, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating account of an unexpected encounter with something mysterious has recently surfaced on the YouTube channel Dixie Cryptid. The video, titled "BIGFOOT The Mississippi Hog Killer," shares the story of Bernard, a 65-year-old retired oil field worker from southern Mississippi. Bernard, who has spent his entire life in a small town near the Bogue Chitto River, recounts a chilling experience that he and his son had while setting up a hog trap on his property. After capturing and releasing several hogs, they noticed something unusual – large, human-like footprints surrounding the trap. As the story unfolds, Bernard reveals that he had heard tales of "skunk apes" living in the river swamps from the old men in his town. He also mentions a previous encounter experienced by a preacher's daughter, in which a creature jumped from a tree and slapped her car late one night. Despite these stories, Bernard admits that he had never personally encountered anything strange in the woods until now. The video captures the viewer's attention with its vivid descriptions and the air of mystery that surrounds the events. I am thrilled to share this captivating story with our readers. I encourage everyone to watch the video and form their own opinions on the matter. It's worth noting that the Dixie Cryptid YouTube channel features various stories and experiences from real people who claim to have encountered the unknown. This particular video stands out as a compelling and engaging account of an experience that will leave viewers questioning the true nature of the creatures lurking in the woods. I find Bernard's story to be a fascinating addition to the wealth of anecdotal evidence supporting the existence of these elusive creatures. Whether or not you believe in Bigfoot, this video is sure to leave you intrigued and captivated by the mysterious events that unfolded on Bernard's property. Remember to stay open-minded and curious as you explore the world of the unknown. Happy squatching!