Hunter Recounts Chilling Bigfoot Encounter and Missing Hogs in the Woods

Posted Saturday, October 12, 2024

By staff

A spine-tingling tale of an unexpected encounter in the woods has been shared on the YouTube channel Dixie Cryptid, and it's a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The video, titled "Bigfoot Shocks Stealth Camp," features a firsthand account of a chilling experience that left the creature's true nature up for debate. The story begins with the witness, Bibo Bee Bo Bobo, who has spent a lifetime exploring the great outdoors. Despite his extensive experience in the wild, he had never encountered anything out of the ordinary-that is, until two weeks before hunting season ended this year. While setting up a trap for wild hogs, Bibo and his son-in-law heard strange noises coming from the swamp. As they waited for the hogs to appear, a sudden, eerie silence fell upon the forest. The once-lively woods were now completely still, save for a few coyotes that resumed their howling a few minutes later. When the other animals and insects returned, it was as if someone had adjusted the volume knob in the forest. Bibo's story takes an even more intriguing turn when he finds two of his hog traps pushed into the ground without a trace of blood. He also discovers five dead birds lying in a row, untouched by any other animals. These bizarre occurrences have left Bibo-and many others-wondering what could be lurking in the woods. The