Couple's Encounters with a Sasquatch on Dead End Road

Posted Thursday, October 10, 2024

By staff

A Colorado couple had an unexpected visitor in the winter of 1983, and it wasn't just the usual holiday guest. John and Sher, who had moved to a rental house on the outskirts of Grand Junction, Colorado, found themselves face-to-face with a Sasquatch. The creature appeared outside their window during a snowstorm, and they watched it for over 30 minutes before it disappeared. The couple had moved to the area to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, and they found themselves living in a humble house with a well and electricity. The house was located at the end of a long, winding dead-end road with a homemade sign warning drivers that there was no place to turn around. One night, after a heavy snowstorm, John and Sher were watching TV when they noticed something unusual outside their window. At first, they thought it was a bear or a moose, but as they looked closer, they realized it was a Sasquatch. The creature appeared to be looking inside the house, and it didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave. John and Sher were cautious and stayed inside, not wanting to provoke the creature. They watched it for over 30 minutes before it finally disappeared. The next morning, John went outside and found large footprints in the snow, confirming their suspicions that it was indeed a Sasquatch. The couple was excited about their encounter and decided to set up a camera to capture any future visits. They waited several nights, but the creature never returned. However, they did notice that some of their animals had gone missing, and they couldn't help but wonder if the Sasquatch was responsible. This video, posted on the YouTube channel "At Safe Distance," is a fascinating account of a close encounter with a Sasquatch. While the creature didn't return for any further visits, the memory of that night will surely stay with John and Sher for a long time. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch sightings and encounters, be sure to check out the Squatchable website. Our community of Bigfoot believers is always eager to hear new stories and share their own experiences. And who knows, maybe one day you'll have your own encounter with a Sasquatch!